VIA Technologies, Inc.
VIA Mobile360 AI Dash Cam DMS Calibration Guide

VIA Mobile360 D700 AI Dash Cam: DMS Calibration Guide

Smart dash cams offer drivers more than just an objective recording of accidents during a trip; they are also helpful tools that can promote safer driving habits. Cameras and sophisticated algorithms can recognize unsafe driving practices and trigger alerts, correcting behaviors that may otherwise increase the risk of accidents. This kind of driver monitoring and assistance is increasingly integral to fleet managers who often have many assets on the road at any given time. Intelligent in-vehicle devices offer smart and scalable solutions to improve fleet safety.

The VIA Mobile360 D700 AI Dash Cam offers a range of powerful features that assist drivers and fleet managers alike. None plays as a great of a role as the DMS (Driver Monitoring System) when it comes to promoting safe driving behavior.

In this article, we will walk you through the steps to set up and calibrate the DMS function of the VIA Mobile360 D700 AI Dash Cam. You can also watch the video below to learn how to calibrate the DMS.

[youtube id=S_hRf93vUMI title=”VIA Mobile360 D700 AI Dash Cam – DMS Calibration Guide”]

After downloading it to your smart phone, use the VIA Mobile360 app to connect to the target VIA Mobile360 D700 unit over Wi-Fi. The D700’s Wi-Fi SSID is named ‘VIA Mobile360_XXX’ and the default password is ‘12345678’.

After connecting to the unit, you will see the live camera stream and a map in the ‘Live’ tab of the app along with two red icons: ADAS on the left and DMS on the right.

Calibrating the DMS Functions

Tap the ‘face’ icon on the right to calibrate DMS. Select which side of the car the driver is seated. Adjust the camera angle if necessary to ensure the driver’s head is within the bounding box. Then click ‘OK’. Restart the vehicle (and consequently the VIA Mobile360 D700 unit) to resync the device. This completes the DMS calibration process!

Dash Cam DMS Calibration

Drivers are now able to utilize the benefits of this AI feature. When the DMS is enabled, the device can recognize Distracted Driving, Driver Fatigue, Phone Usage and Smoking. When these ‘DMS events’ are detected, the D700 delivers an audio alert which allows the driver to correct the unsafe driving behavior. These audio alerts can be individually toggled on and off through the VIA Fleet Cloud Management Portal or on the VIA Mobile360 App.

With DMS in the “passenger seat”, drivers now get an objective voice in-vehicle to curb dangerous driving behavior and enhance their safety.

Setting up Face ID for Trip Registration

Afterthe dash cam DMS calibration has been completyed, you may also utilize the Face ID feature of the VIA Mobile360 D700. This enhanced feature allows Permitted Drivers to register a trip using facial recognition, opposed to scanning a QR code before every trip.

To set up Face ID, open the VIA Mobile360 app. Go to the ‘Me’ tab. After selecting ‘VIA Fleet Login’ enter the administrator’s username and password. Select ‘Upload Photo’. Select a driver from the list of registered drivers and take a photo in horizontal orientation with the driver’s face centered the in the oval. After clicking ‘OK’ the image will be uploaded to the VIA Fleet Cloud Management Portal.

Dash Cam DMS Calibration

Once ‘Face ID’ is enabled, devices that come online will prompt drivers to look at the camera after booting up. If a registered driver is successfully identified, the device will play ‘Scan Successful’. The proceeding trip will now be registered to the driver.

Cloud Management

When its DMS and Face ID features are enabled and integrated into a cloud platform, the VIA Mobile360 D700 can give fleet managers the ability to learn more about the state of their fleet and drivers and help identify areas for improvement. To see the possibilities that integrating the device with the cloud opens up, you can explore the VIA Fleet Cloud Management Portal and its Drivers Score feature.

By utilizing Driver Scores found on the portal’s dashboard, fleet managers can objectively monitor the overall performance of each driver and gain access to valuable datasets that give an overview of driver performance, as well as detailed trip-by-trip summaries. The ranked Driver Scores are derived from Driver Fatigue, Smoking, and Phone Usage events triggered by the DMS as well as G-sensor event warnings triggered by Revving Up, Hard Breaking, and Hard Cornering. For more in-depth detail, managers can access individual trips made by a driver and see when and where each triggered DMS or G-sensor event occurred through Trip History. Trips can also be filtered by vehicle or registered driver.

With the cloud integration and DMS features enabled on the VIA Mobile360 D700, fleet managers gain a more complete snapshot of their fleet and drivers, while drivers on the road benefit from a powerful tool to identify and curb unsafe or dangerous driving.

For a more detailed look, please download this VIA Mobile360 D700 Quick Guide.

VIA Technologies, Inc.